Tuesday, December 29, 2009

She is back from the Dead!!

Sooooo.....it's been a long time. A year? Over a year? Sorry for the wait. And I apologize to those who read this & supported it, then gave up on it when I failed to publish anything else. Life & other crap got in the way, what can I say?

This will be short, but wanted to say that one of my resolutions this year (not counting the perpetual "lose weight" and "stop cussing" ones) will be to keep this blog up better. Maybe up the ante to once a week or so. I shall try. You know, I used to like to write. I was good at it. I used to be a giant nerd (ok, "used to be" is up for debate) that would watch movies or read books & think, "Boy, I could write a GREAT paper on the symbolism in here." I still think that, a lot. Of course, why write a paper that no one will ever read? For my own joy? Pshaw!

Well, at any rate, I'm warming myself up with this entry. Getting the fingers primed, the gears turning, and the thoughts brewing. Please, feel free to bust me on it if I fail to publish a blog in 2 weeks. Seriously.

1 comment:

Christine said...

Yay! A new post! And yes, you are still a nerd, and a geek, but that's okay, because so am I. Who else can discuss the intricacies of Star Trek episodes (without getting into the "science") then us?