Friday, September 5, 2008

The List of Sisyphus

I chose the title of this post because it best represents how I feel : a list of things to do that, when accomplished, only repeat themselves, causing one to live the "hamster wheel" existence of running towards a goal that will never actually be yours. I have many, many lists in my head. Lists of things I need to do for school this week. Lists of books I need to read to help me with said school. Lists of things I need to clean/ dump/ reorganize/ buy/ salvage/ replace. Lists of places I want to go one day. Lists of names for my future children (closely followed by Lists of names NOT to name my children- more on that later). Lists of future Christmas gifts. Lists of books I want to read. Lists of exercises & regimens & recipes & diets that I really should do / follow/ cook /eat. Lists of topics to talk about. I have lists of lists. Listing is my nature - I really do like doing it. It makes me feel like my goals & objectives are attainable; afterall , they are right there on paper, in my hands. But I'm not going to write down every single thing in my brain. First of all - can you imagine how much paper that would be? Second of all, there's no way I would remember what list has what. Oh sure, the list of "Books to Read" seems pretty easy, but what if I put a book down that someone says "Oh, you have to read it!" and then, months later, I look at that title and say "What the hell is this? Am I supposed to read this? " Really, that book should have been on the list "Recommended Books to Read" followed by a catalogue of who recommended it & a brief summary. So, you can see my conundrum here. No list of lists for me.

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